Respo Quick Apps
Respo Quick apps are the best way for your customers quick access to your business services without any app installations and registrations.
Your establishment in every smartphone without any downloads.
Respo Quick Apps
Respo Quick apps are the best way for your customers quick access to your business services without any app installations and registrations.
Your establishment in every smartphone without any downloads
Why does your business need it?
Time saver
While your customers are downloading a regular app with registration, they will change their mind about purchasing the service. With Respo, no installation is required. One second of touching the NFC tag or scanning the QR code - and your product is already in the visitor's smartphone, and he or she makes an order!
No staff interaction
You no longer need to contact a person to receive a service. Respo software tool helps you interact with customers promptly and in any language. Quick applications are always friendly, not distracted by their own business and ready to serve your guests anytime - 24/7.
More profits - less expenses
Thanks to Quick apps, you can take the load off your staff and even say goodbye to some of them, thereby optimizing costs. Simple interaction with the Respo tools accelerates the service and increases the flow of customers, without creating queues and the necessity of looking for new staff.
Respo accelerates and optimizes your business processes while preserving all the features of expensive, complex development-level apps.
Restaurants and cafes
Your guests still have to look for the waiter and interrupt conversation or important negotiations just to place an order or ask for the bill? Or maybe you've had more than one tourist visit and you've had difficulty with translation?

Your menu is now available in a one-touch on a customer's smartphone in any language, so ordering, paying the bill, and leaving tips requires no staff involvement.

Takeaway? With the help of Quick-apps it is possible to place an order to takeaway! All you need is to publish a QR-code or a link in social networks, on the page of the establishment in maps and navigators, and the service will be available to the customer remotely.

Small staff is no longer a problem - Do not look for an employee to take orders in messengers or on the phone. Quick apps do not require a salary, they are not distracted from their work, do not get tired, and knows all the languages.

Just place a stand with QR-code and NFC-chip on the table and start pleasingyour guests.After their order, a notification will be sent to them thanking them for the visit and offering to visit you again.
Bars and nightclubs
Your guests no longer have to shout over loud music and struggle to get to the bar to order. All it takes is a click in the app to repeat a cocktail. Send the customer straight to the pickup area, because the order can be placed without taking a break from dancing!
No need to embarrass your guests by forcing them to use a translator to make a request. Upload the list of services in different languages to our app and simplify the customer journey, eliminating any barriers.

Hotels equipped with such technology can be immediately assigned 6 stars, because each of your guests is served quickly, without unnecessary human contact and long waits:you can now call for house keeping, cab, organize transfer and order room service in any language with a single touch. And you can say goodbye to plastic key cards, because the key, which will never get lost or demagnetised, is in your smartphone.
Take away and food courts
Don't miss out on the flow of customers because of the lines. They won't turn around and go to your competitors again after seeing the crowd at the cash register. 1 tap - order made, 2 tap - paid without talking to the cashier. And you can do it on the way to the establishment. Now all you need for a successful business is a team of great chefs in the kitchen. Managers and waiters are free to go!
Restaurants and cafes
Who is it good for?
Bars and nightclubs
Take away and food courts
You select the rate, we discuss all the details of our cooperation, and your requests and make an agreement
We develop Quick apps tailored to all your needs
Equipping your business with a new tools for optimizing all processes and reducing costs
Your customers get one-touch service and stay satisfied
How it works
Try Respo
Sticker for the door of your establishment
What will you get?
Stickers or stands with QR-code and NFC-chip*
Personal account with tools
to control the service process
of your guests.
Full-time technical support

Tariff plans

Restaurants and cafes
Bars and nightclubs
Take away and food courts
Tariff plans
Late check-out request
Ordering food to the room
Pillow menu
Room key in Wallet
Self check - in
Up to 2 languages
Up to 6 languages
* - App Clips - technology created by Apple specifically for the iPhone. Allows you to launch blitz applications instantly. The experience of the client's interaction with your institution where this technology is available will make him come back to you again. More details -
App Clips*
Premium Wooden stands
No queue ordering
Table service without waiters
App Clips*
Post interaction with clients
* - App Clips - technology created by Apple specifically for the iPhone. Allows you to launch blitz applications instantly. The experience of the client's interaction with your institution where this technology is available will make him come back to you again. More details -
Loyalty cards in Wallet
QR - code stand
Up to 3 languages
1 language
Pre - order
Post interaction with clients
App Clips*
No queue ordering
Stickers or stands with QR code
* - App Clips - technology created by Apple specifically for the iPhone. Allows you to launch blitz applications instantly. The experience of the client's interaction with your institution where this technology is available will make him come back to you again. More details -
1 language
Post interaction with clients
Loyalty cards in Wallet
Stickers or stands with QR code
App Clips*
1 language
Up to 2 languages
Up to 3 languages
* - App Clips - technology created by Apple specifically for the iPhone. Allows you to launch blitz applications instantly. The experience of the client's interaction with your institution where this technology is available will make him come back to you again. More details-
Do you want to work with Respo and make your establishment the forefront of your industry? Still have questions?
Leave a request and our manager will get in contact with you!